Consult the price per m2 immobilier Charenton
ABC LIBERTE Charenton-le-pont allows you to estimate the price per m2 of your house, apartment, Studio Val-de-Marne on our department. This estimation tool is also suitable for all French cities and towns (Charenton Le Pont - Bagnolet - Les Lilas - Montreuil - Rosny Sous Bois - Alfortville - Arcueil - Bonneuil Sur Marne - Cachan - Chevilly Larue - Choisy Le Roi - Creteil - Fontenay Sous Bois - Gentilly - L'Hay Les Roses - Ivry Sur Seine - Joinville Le Pont - Le Kremlin ...).
price/m2 CHARENTON-LE-PONT - sale
house / villa CHARENTON-LE-PONT (94220) Price/m2 CHARENTON-LE-PONT
Type | Low average | Average | High average |
5 020 €/m2 | 8 485 €/m2 | 12 626 €/m2 |
apartment / studio CHARENTON-LE-PONT (94220) Price/m2 CHARENTON-LE-PONT
Type | Low average | Average | High average |
6 242 €/m2 | 8 275 €/m2 | 9 948 €/m2 |
Type | Low average | Average | High average |
2 531 €/m2 | 4 771 €/m2 | 7 116 €/m2 |
Price Analysis m2 CHARENTON-LE-PONT (94220)
In November 2024, we can see that the prices m2 Charenton-le-pont (94220) vary according to the type of property and the exteriors of Charenton-le-pont (94220) (land, garden, terrace ...) that the ID Network has weighted for you.
For transactions carried out on Charenton-le-pont (94220), the price m2 Charenton-le-pont (94220) of houses / villas is in average of 8485 €/m2 included in a range going from 5020 €/m2 to 12626 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.PRICE/M2 APARTMENT / STUDIO CHARENTON-LE-PONT - SALE
The price m2 Charenton-le-pont (94220) is on average 8275 €/m2 for apartments / studios and may vary between 6242 €/m2 and 9948 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.All these prices per m2 are calculated in relation to the prices observed on the net for the last 6 months. This remains a benchmark to indicate a price range for the estimation of your property but does not replace a real estimate made by a real estate professional.